Vol. 3 - Digital contextualization

1. Active learning in annotating micro-blogs dealing with e-reputation

Jean-Valère Cossu ; Alejandro Molina-Villegas ; Mariana Tello-Signoret.
Elections unleash strong political views on Twitter, but what do people really think about politics? Opinion and trend mining on micro blogs dealing with politics has recently attracted researchers in several fields including Information Retrieval and Machine Learning (ML). Since the performance of ML and Natural Language Processing (NLP) approaches are limited by the amount and quality of data available, one promising alternative for some tasks is the automatic propagation of expert annotations. This paper intends to develop a so-called active learning process for automatically annotating French language tweets that deal with the image (i.e., representation, web reputation) of politicians. Our main focus is on the methodology followed to build an original annotated dataset expressing opinion from two French politicians over time. We therefore review state of the art NLP-based ML algorithms to automatically annotate tweets using a manual initiation step as bootstrap. This paper focuses on key issues about active learning while building a large annotated data set from noise. This will be introduced by human annotators, abundance of data and the label distribution across data and entities. In turn, we show that Twitter characteristics such as the author's name or hashtags can be considered as the bearing point to not only improve automatic systems for Opinion Mining (OM) and Topic Classification but also to reduce noise in human annotations. However, a later thorough […]
Section: Subject Area 3: Graphs and Networks

2. Contextualizing Geometric Data Analysis and Related Data Analytics: A Virtual Microscope for Big Data Analytics

Fionn Murtagh ; Mohsen Farid.
The relevance and importance of contextualizing data analytics is described. Qualitative characteristics might form the context of quantitative analysis. Topics that are at issue include: contrast, baselining, secondary data sources, supplementary data sources, dynamic and heterogeneous data. In geometric data analysis, especially with the Correspondence Analysis platform, various case studies are both experimented with, and are reviewed. In such aspects as paradigms followed, and technical implementation, implicitly and explicitly, an important point made is the major relevance of such work for both burgeoning analytical needs and for new analytical areas including Big Data analytics, and so on. For the general reader, it is aimed to display and describe, first of all, the analytical outcomes that are subject to analysis here, and then proceed to detail the more quantitative outcomes that fully support the analytics carried out.
Section: Subject Area 3: Graphs and Networks