Vol. 9 - Methods to assess the effects of sensory stimulations on wellness

Methods to assess the effects of sensory stimulations on wellness


The use of sensorial immersion relaxation devices or practices becomes more and more frequent to face the demand of wellness in our western society, where stress is a hallmark. These various devices use auditory, visual, tactile and olfactory stimuli, as well as a mix of them. At the opposite, some stimuli in the environment could have negative repercussion on our well-being. However, methods for scientifically assessing the physiological and psychological impact of these sensorial stimulations are sorely lacking. This volume of JIMIS will present recent work that may prove useful in the future for scientifically evaluating the impact on the well-being of different types of sensory stimulation, desired or a contrario suffered.


Wellness, relaxation, stress, sensorial immersion, sensorial environment, devices, physiological and psychological evaluations, methods.

Invited editors:

Sandra Perez, Martine Adrian-Scotto, Gabriel Gandolfo


Abstract submission deadline: 31 of August 2022 (1 page max)
Manuscript submission deadline: 31 of December 2023

Submission procedure:

For abstract submission, authors must send a one page PDF file by email to Sandra Perez (Sandra.PEREZ@univ-cotedazur.fr), Martine Adrian-Scotto (Martine.ADRIAN-SCOTTO@univ-cotedazur.fr) and Gabriel Gandolfo (Gabriel.GANDOLFO@univ-cotedazur.fr).

For the full article, authors must follow the submission process and journal writing rules (http://jimis.episciences.org/page/auteurs). It should be particularly noted that the submission is made on the Episciences platform and involves first placing the article on one of the HAL pre-publication sites (https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/) or arXiv (http://arxiv.org/). Templates in LaTeX, MS Word and OpenOffice formats are provided on the journal's website (with a preference for LaTeX).

It is necessary that the articles submitted have never been published before, nor are they being submitted to other newspapers or conferences. If the work described in the article is an extension ofa previous publication, this work should be cited in the article submitted, explicitly describe the new contributions and explain how significant they are.