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The JIMIS Scientific Committee is currently being restructured.
Until 2023, it was made up of the following members:
DARBELLAY | Frédéric | Switzerland | Prof | Education scientist | Univ.de Genève | Frederic.Darbellay@unige.ch | https://www.unige.ch/cide/fr/collaborateurs/professeurs/darbellay-frederic/ |
DAVIES | Claire | UK | Prof | Psychologist | Univ. of Nottingham | claire.davies@winchester.ac.uk | https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/engineering/people/claire.davies |
JENSEN | Henrick J. | UK | Prof | Complexity science | Centre for Complexity Science Imperial College London |
h.jensen@imperial.ac.uk | http://wwwf.imperial.ac.uk/~hjjens/ |
JOSSELIN | Didier | France | Dir. Research, Editor in Chief | Geography | CNRS, University of Avignon | didier.josselin@univ-avignon.fr | |
KOHNO | Masaru | Japan | Prof | Economy | Waseda institudte for advanced studies | kohno@waseda.jp | http://www.waseda.jp/wias/eng/researchers/list/affiliates/concurrent_m_kohno.html |
MEUNIER | Jean-Guy | Canada | Prof | Philosophy | UQAM Montréal | meunier.jg@gmail.com | http://professeurs.uqam.ca/component/savrepertoireprofesseurs/ficheProfesseur?mId=ADem%252f%252f4h5cY_ |
MUDU | Pierpaolo | Germany | Manager | Epidemiology | World Health Organization, Bonn | mudup@ecehbonn.euro.who.int | http://www.who.int/fr/ |
PATRAS | Frédéric | France | Dir. Research. | Maths | Laboratoire JA Dieudonné | Frederic.PATRAS@unice.fr | http://math1.unice.fr/~patras/ |
PEETERS | Dominique | Belgium | Emerita | Spatial econometrics | Université de Louvain | dominique.peeters@uclouvain.be | http://www.uclouvain.be/dominique.peeters |
PETITJEAN | Michel | France | Senior Researcher | Bioinformatics | Université de Paris (ComUE) | petitjean.chiral@gmail.com | http://www.mti.univ-paris-diderot.fr/component/contact/contact/10 |
REBAI | Noamen | Tunisia | Prof | Geology, environmental sciences | Univ. de Tunis, Sfax | atg.geomatique@gmail.com | http://www.lab3e.org/index.php?option=com_lab&Itemid=2&pg=2&login=bouaziz_samir |
SECK | Diaraf | Senegal | Prof | Computer science, Op. Research | Université Cheikh Anta Diop | diaraf.seck@ucad.edu.sn | http://www.ucad.sn/ |
THERAULAZ | Guy | France | Dir. Research. | cognition, computer science | CNRS Toulouse | guy.theraulaz@univ-tlse3.fr | http://cognition.ups-tlse.fr/_guyt/ |
THERIAULT | Marius | Canada | Emerita | Geography, planning | Université Laval, CRAD | marius.theriault@crad.ulaval.ca | https://www.crad.ulaval.ca/membres/marius-theriault.html |
WEDEMANN | Roseli | Brasil | Prof | Computer science, Op. Research | University of Sao Paulo | rose.wedemann@gmail.com | https://www.ime.usp.br/ |