Vol. 10 - Sound and living being

Volume 10

Special issue about Sound and Living Beings

Sound is a mechanical vibration of a fluid, which propagates thanks to the elastic deformation of this fluid in the form of longitudinal waves. Human beings, like many animals, experience this vibration through the sense of hearing. This special issue of JIMIS will discuss the various recent discoveries concerning sound: what is the physical nature of sounds and what are the different types of sounds? How to produce a sound? What makes a sound different from a noise? How are sounds spread? How do we perceive them and how do other animals perceive them? Which sounds refer to which representations? How can we improve or restore our perception of sound when it is defective? What sounds can help the visually impaired to move without hindrance in geographical space? Are there any auditory illusion or hallucinations? Do plants perceive sounds? How does music, through sound, vibrations, rhythms, the memory of melodies, exert multiple effects on our body, our brain and our emotions? How can it heal, by passive listening or by playing it, and even induces modified states of consciousness, and allow us to socialize?


Sound, noise, music, hearing, ear, cochlea, vibrations, rhythms, melodies, musicotherapy.

Invited editors

Carole Baron, Nicolas Capet, Renaud David, Nicolas Guevara, Alice Guyon, Didier Josselin


Abstract submission deadline: 1st of December 2021 (1 page max)

Manuscript submission deadline: 15th of March 2022

Submission procedure

For abstract submission, authors must send a one page PDF file by email to Carole Baron (Carole.BARON@univ-cotedazur.fr), Alice Guyon (alice.guyon@ipmc.cnrs.fr), Renaud David (david.r@chu-nice.fr), Nicolas Capet (capet.n@chu-nice.fr), Nicolas Guevara (Nicolas.GUEVARA@univ-cotedazur.fr) or Didier Josselin (Didier.josselin@univ-avignon.fr). See deadline below.

For the full article, authors must follow the submission process and journal writing rules (http://jimis.episciences.org/page/auteurs). It should be particularly noted that the submission is made on the Episciences platform and involves first placing the article on one of the HAL pre-publication sites (https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/) or arXiv (http://arxiv.org/). Templates in LaTeX, MS Word and OpenOffice formats are provided on the journal's website (with a preference for LaTeX).

It is necessary that the articles submitted have never been published before, nor are they being submitted to other newspapers or conferences. If the work described in the article is an extension of a previous publication, this work should be cited in the article submitted, explicitly describe the new contributions and explain how significant they are.