Dance is a universal form of human expression that constitutes a physical activity and a body language that involves motor, cognitive, visuospatial, emotional and social engagement. This article is focusing on the therapeutic benefits of dance regarding body-mind health. After an introduction, we discuss the connection between body movements and the nervous system, highlighting the neuronal correlates of dance recently evidenced by new methods in neuroscience of dance, showing how dance can positively act on the brain and the nerves and opening a wide range of opportunities to deal with body-mind health based in therapeutic dance approaches. We then present a review of scientific studies addressing the therapeutic effects of different practices involving dance, which are very structured on the embodiment or body consciousness aspect of the dance. The last section illustrates some clinical psychological benefits of dance therapy in clinics, when used at the bedside, focusing on the psychological and emotional points of view. In conclusion, this article reviews how recent methods allow demonstrating the therapeutic benefits of different dance approaches, that appear closely related to the essential role of body consciousness promoted by dancing.