Marie-Noëlle Albert ; Nadia Lazzari Dodeler ; Marie-Michèle Couture ; Nancy Michaud - L’autopraxéographie, une méthode pour construire des savoirs à partir de son expérience dans une perspective complexe et interdisciplinaire

jimis:10387 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Sciences, August 2, 2023, Vol 11 - Thinking interdisciplinarity in practice -
L’autopraxéographie, une méthode pour construire des savoirs à partir de son expérience dans une perspective complexe et interdisciplinaireArticle

Authors: Marie-Noëlle Albert 1; Nadia Lazzari Dodeler 1; Marie-Michèle Couture 1; Nancy Michaud 1

The objective of this paper is to explain autopraxeography and to show how this method uses interdisciplinarity to understand lived situations in a complex way. This method is based on the human experience of at least one of the co-researchers. It is situated in a pragmatic co-constructivist epistemological paradigm. It uses a wide range of theories, regardless of their original disciplines, to step back from the lived experience. It is a dialogue between the lived experience and each point of view that can be found through multidisciplinary scientific writings, co-researchers, reviewers, etc. The fact of digging into one's own experiences without being locked into a discipline can allow one to answer disciplinary questions in a way that accepts the complexity of the lived reality. Furthermore, this method, when used by students in a continuing education, process can facilitate their opportunity to become reflective practitioners aware of the need to break down disciplinary barriers.

Volume: Vol 11 - Thinking interdisciplinarity in practice
Section: Subject Area 1: Interdisciplinarity as a field of research
Published on: August 2, 2023
Accepted on: August 2, 2023
Submitted on: November 29, 2022
Keywords: Complexité paradigme épistémologique co-constructiviste pragmatique dialogue pluridisciplinaire autopraxéographie Complexity Pragmatic co-constructivism epistemological paradigm multidisciplinarity dialogue autopraxeography,Complexité,paradigme épistémologique co-constructiviste pragmatique,dialogue pluridisciplinaire,autopraxéographie Complexity,Pragmatic co-constructivism epistemological paradigm,multidisciplinarity dialogue,autopraxeography,[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences

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